Franck Chalendard

Born in 1966, in Haute-Loire, France.

Lives and works in Saint-Étienne, France.


Franck Chalendard paints. He declares himself a painter. Painting is his domain, his field of activity. Nowadays, on an art scene where many artists exceed their own ability in order to show how polyvalent they are, as well as their mastering of several techniques used in all areas of the visual arts, Chalendard instead chooses to concentrate on only one field. His work has nothing to do with counteraction but more to do with the duty painting has to respond to the questions posed in art. Chalendard offers through the emotional ability of colours a pathos-free style of painting that avoids reference to external themes. His works do not pretend to be anything other than a product, but they do demonstrate that his art does not come under a set design or form of communication unlike other forms of contemporary art.

(Source : Franck Chalendard, Éditions Ceysson)


2002      La Casa de los Franceses, A.F.A.A. Mexico


   Public collections

Alliance française, Mexico

Ambassade de France, Mexico

Assemblée Nationale, Paris, France 

Banque Européenne d'Investissement, Luxembourg

Collection Banque Société Générale, Paris, France 

Fonds national d'art contemporain, France

Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain, Nice, France 

Musée d'art moderne et contemporain Saint-Étienne Métropole, France 

Philharmonie du Luxembourg

Centre national des arts plastiques, Paris, France 

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, France


Recent works by Franck Chalendard are impressive for the breadth of the issues they address  in the reality of their structure and their configuration. Anyone looking at them is soon confident that he has identified the artist's sources, or plays the game of parallels and comparisons. But these pleasant exercises prompting us to make manifest our scholarship prove both correct and vain. That is to say, there is no real need to do so, as these recent paintings confront us so much with an affirmation of the picture as an irreducible reality as to what is and what is at stake for the artist and for the observer. The juxtaposition especially of upholstery fabric pieces, carefully assembled by a seamstress, provides the artist with a support which apparently suggests some sort of allegiance to Claude Viallat's process of "butt-joining". But this process fits in very consistently with what is at the heart of Franck Chalendard's practice and quest.  This quest and practice seem stimulated and strongly guided by a kind of sense of powerlessness to go beyond the material configuration of the picture. The artist himself declares himself obliged to consider the fact that since the end of modernism and postmodernism, anyone wishing to paint is condemned to tap into a huge thesaurus of shapes and motifs, but also of theoretical concepts, and so revive them by transforming them into generators of effective novelties. At risk therefore of being able to do no more than to offer a design borrowed from vintage years to one's painting, one's own work, that has thus become proposable on the contemporary art scene once more as constitutive markers of contemporary good taste!

Remarkably, this risk was taken on by some major artists of the eighties, but then left behind and transcended. And so it is once more with some current artists such as Franck Chalendard, Sadie Laska, Lauren Luloff and Sarah Braman. Hence their interest in Claude Viallat and Supports/Surfaces from whose work of deconstruction they gain some benefit. But, fortunately, these artists are careful to avoid any submission to a theoretical device. Beyond a simple and happy predilection, they display, as does Franck Chalendard, the respect due to an initiator who paved the way, but who must at all costs be set aside, kept at a distance in order to be able to replay the game. I mean taking  the history of painting as its end, today, as in the beginning.

Doing, painting, somehow, the first picture and refining the process of making in a short series until it becomes - an impossible task - the last picture finally, making futile any attempt at repeating a gesture as painter. This is why Franck Chalendard seems little concerned by the deconstruction of the picture, and less willing to work on the properties of the support than to exploit them. The repetition of figurative or abstract motifs, widely spread by fashion and upholstery fabrics, aims to make clear in his works the very inanity of painting. And to snatch it from design. As with Bram van Velde? Probably.  But today, everything seems to have been done. Philip Taaffe, Ross Bleckner, Susanne Paesler or Christine Streuli, have already played this theme, this dialectical relationship of painting to textiles as was already questioned by Aloïs Riegl and since, among others, by Markus Brüderlin. As in his own way, at the outset, by Meyer Vaisman. By accepting this, Franck Chalendard has condemned himself  - in order to assure us of the vanity of all Kunstwollen - paradoxically to paint, to paint ceaselessly, to resume his need to be painter, picture after picture, employing and implementing, picture after picture, all of abstract painting, all painting, to free it from history, from its burial, its decline, its death, all death. But anyone defying Thanatos, Zeus, time or history, must pay the price. For Franck Chalendard by the heroic relentless restarting of his work: paint, paint, paint…

It's a simple, but very clever, gesture of painting, something that must be dared, which each time frees painting from anything that might degrade or debase it to the level of design, to the production of simple objects without necessity, archaeological evidence, one day, the taste of a moment. In this quest - still grounded in a formalism that suspends any narrative effect - a je-ne-sais-quoi, as Pierre Soulages might say, that fills the world, like Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko, Claude Viallat or Frank Stella, Franck Chalendard strives as Stella exhorted, to prevent painting from remaining "inert on the surface of the past": to "testify about the real world, but also about the kingdom of heaven and hell".

Bernard Ceysson, May 2014

Solo shows at Ceysson Gallery
Études pour Les pêcheurs de perles , La Chaulme
June 01 - June 01, 2024

Franck Chalendard, Saint-Etienne
September 15 - November 25, 2023

Franck Chalendard, Panéry, Pouzilhac
April 08 - June 17, 2023

Franck Chalendard, Lyon
September 09 - October 09, 2021

Franck Chalendard , Wandhaff
March 07 - July 18, 2020

Franck Chalendard , New York
June 19 - July 31, 2019

Franck Chalendard, Saint-Etienne
December 21, 2017 - February 24, 2018

Franck Chalendard, Paris
September 17 - October 15, 2016

September 17, 2015 - January 02, 2016

Franck Chalendard, Luxembourg
July 05 - September 20, 2014

Franck Chalendard, Saint-Etienne
September 26 - November 23, 2013

Franck Chalendard, Paris
October 19 - December 01, 2012

Franck Chalendard, Luxembourg
January 13 - March 06, 2011

Franck Chalendard, Saint-Etienne
November 23, 2010 - January 15, 2011

Franck Chalendard, Saint-Etienne
September 16 - November 22, 2010

Franck Chalendard, Paris
September 05 - October 17, 2009

Franck CHALENDARD, Luxembourg
October 16 - November 30, 2008

Group shows at Ceysson Gallery
At Jean Prouvé, Offsite
July 15 - July 18, 2021

The Spaces In Between, New York
September 09 - November 07, 2020

Guerre(s), Paris
December 18, 2019 - February 01, 2020

10 YEARS in Luxembourg, Wandhaff
June 02 - August 04, 2018

“The lines of life are various, like roads and the contours of the mountains…”, Wandhaff
September 10 - October 29, 2016

Special Guest New York, Offsite
September 08 - September 28, 2015

Cession, Saint-Etienne
May 21 - August 02, 2015

La Ligne Passée, Luxembourg
June 30 - September 16, 2012

Christian Floquet - Franck Chalendard, Genève
May 03 - July 14, 2012

Group show, Genève
February 04 - March 10, 2012

Thema 4 : Abstraction(s), Luxembourg
December 06, 2009 - January 11, 2010

Bagarre Générale- Dessins, Saint-Etienne
January 29 - May 03, 2009

Solo shows


Furtives. Peintures 2016-2023, Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière, Saint-Étienne, France

Blossom, Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière, Domaine de Panéry, Pouzilhac, France


Minor waltz, Curated by: Romain Mathieu, Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière, Lyon, France


Peindre, cheminer, peindre, Ceysson & Bénétière, Wandhaff, Luxembourg

Petites Peintures d’Hiver, Ceysson & Bénétière, Saint-Étienne, France

Contrails, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Paris
Archives rêvées, mémoires de peintres, Maison d'Art Contemporain Chailloux, Fresnes, France

Once upon a time, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Geneva, Switzerland
Special guest, Galerie Zürcher, New York, USA

Canevas, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg

Franck Chalendard, Galerie L'Agart, Amilly, France
Bricoles et Guirlandes de Noël, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Saint-Étienne, France

Peintures pour chambre à coucher, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Paris, France
Wall Art Fair, Lyon, France
Franck Chalendard, Christian Floquet, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Geneva, Switzerland

Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg

Peintures sur papier, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Saint-Étienne, France

Plans sur la comète, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Paris, France
Galerie de l'Hôtel du département, Conseil Général de la Haute-Loire, France

Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg

Centre régional d'art contemporain de Lacoux - Biennale de Lyon, France

Le 10neuf, Centre régional d'art contemporain, Montbéliard, France
IAC galerie, Saint-Étienne, France
Galerie Gubbioti, Clermont Ferrand, France

Groupe d'Art Contemporain, Annonay, France

Galerie DWLV, Lausanne, Switzerland
Galerie Nìna Menocal - Mexico, Mexico

Galerie Julìo Gonzales, Arcueil, France

La Borne - « Le pays où le ciel est toujours bleu », Orléans, France

Galerie François Rivier, Vevey, Switzerland
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Cholet, France

Galerie Tonnerre de Brest, Saint-Étienne, France
Galerie du Haut Pavé, Paris, France

Galerie Abel Joseph, Brussels, Belgium

Group shows


D'une génération l'autre, mutations de l'abstraction, Curated by: Philippe Cyroulnik, Galerie Bessières, Chatou, France

Le Toucher du monde. Dialogue between the collections of the FRAC Auvergne and the Musée Paul-Dini, Villefranche-sur-Saône, France


Une histoire de famille, Collection Robelin(s), Curated by: Camille Morineau, Musée d'art contemporain, Lyon, France 


Constellations, collection of 87 posters by Documents d'artistes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, with an installation by Baptiste Croze & Linda Sanchez, Bourse du Travail, Valence, France


10 ans de Documents d'artistes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Maison du Livre, de l'image et du son / Artothèque Villeurbanne, France 

GUERRE(S), Curated by: Philippe Bouchet, Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris, France

RINASCIMENTO, La Ville Balthazar, Valence, France 

The Spaces In Between, Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière, New York, USA

Grande section !, Centre d'art contemporain La Halle des Bouchers, Vienna, France

10 Years in Luxembourg, Ceysson & Bénétière, Wandhaff, Luxembourg

Diverses sont les lignes de la vie, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Wandhaff, Luxembourg
Exposition inaugurale, Villa Balthazar, Valence
, France
La puissance géographique, Galerie Delacroix, Institut Français de Tanger
, France
Non figuratif - un regain d'intérêt ?, Abbaye Saint André Centre d'art contemporain, Meymac, France
Art Brussels, Galerie Bernard Ceysson
NADA, Galerie Bernard Ceysson

"At the risk of color. Claude Viallat - Franck Chalendard, Macao", Tap Seac Gallery, Macau, China
Special new guest, Galerie Zürcher, New York, USA
Art Brussels, Galerie Bernard Ceysson
Art Genève, Galerie Bernard Ceysson
Art Rio, Galerie Bernard Ceysson
Drawing Now Art Fair Paris, Galerie Bernard Ceysson

Abstraction / Figuration, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes
, France 
Où commence le futur ?, collection du MAMAC, Galerie des Ponchettes, Nice, France
Art Brussel, Galerie Bernard Ceysson

Échappées, Colombe Marcasiano, Égide Viloux - Agart, Amilly, France
Franck Chalendard - Jean-Marc Dublé, Orangerie, Château du Bourg, Perreux, France
Art Genève, Galerie Bernard Ceysson

Christian Floquet - Franck Chalendard, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Geneva, Switzerland
La Ligne Passée, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg
Le geste et la couleur, École d'art Gérard Jacot, Belfort, France

La peinture se porte bien en France, Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau, China
Bagarres générales V, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Saint-Étienne, France

Choix d'un collectionneur, Musée Paul Dini, Villefranche sur Saône, France
Thema 4 : Abstraction(s), Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg

L'attraction de l'Espace, Musée d'art Moderne Saint-Étienne Métropole, France
Bagarres générales IV, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Saint-Étienne, France 

Galerie du Haut Pavé, Paris, France
Quelle actualité en Rhône-alpes, Musée Paul Dini, Villefranche-sur-Saône, France
Regards croisés, Galerie Paul Gabert, Paris, France 

Bagarres générales, Galerie IAC, Saint-Étienne, France
Au fil des jours / Sur le fil du rasoir, carte blanche à Philippe Cyroulnik , Galerie Pitch, Paris, France
De toutes les couleurs la peinture, Le 19, Centre régional d'art contemporain, Montbéliard, France

La peau du chat, Carlota Charmet et les collectionneurs, Musée de l'Abbaye Ste Croix, Les Sables d'Olonne, France

La peau du chat, Carlota Charmet et les collectionneurs, Centre d'art de Tanlay, Artothèque de Caen, France

Galerie municipale Julìo Gonzales, Arcueil
, France
Novembre à Vitry, galerie municipale, Vitry-sur-Seine, France

Artistas franceses, Musée de Quérétaro, Mexico, Mexico
Otro capitulo, Musée de Puebla, Mexico, Mexico

Les 20 ans de 20 artistes, Assemblée Nationale, Paris
, France

L'abstraction et ses territoires, le 19, Centre régional d'art contemporain, Montbéliard, 
Peintures démarches actuelles 1, Villa du Parc, Annemasse, France
Hommage à Olivier Debré, Assemblée Nationale, Paris, France

Salon de la jeune peinture, Paris
, France
Galerie Mic'Art, Lille, France
Galerie Mic'Art, Linéart, Gand, Belgique

La fabrique de parasols hors les murs, Galerie associative, Paris
, France
Sur 3 notes autour de Geer van Velde, Galerie Louis Bernard, Polignac, France

Art dans la ville, Musée d'Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne, France
Artistes stéphanois, gallery Nitrianska Stana-Nitra, Bratislava, Slovaquie

Tendances contemporaines, Institut Casino- Pierre Guichard, Saint-Étienne, France
Sans titre, L'embarcadère, Lyon, France

Au fond de la cour, O.T.I., Saint-Étienne, France

Trienal Latina, Vieno do Castelo, Portugal
Le choix d'un collectionneur, Louis Bernard, Paris
, France



Peintures 2016-2023, Collection Modernes, Ceysson Éditions d'art, Saint-Étienne, France 


Franck Chalendard, Yves Michaud, Éric de Chassey, Sandrine Chalendard, Bernard Ceysson, Anne Favier, Tristan Trémeau, Éditions Modernes - Ceysson, Saint-Étienne, published in French and English


Monographie Franck Chalendard, Bernard CEYSSON, Karim GHADDAB, Tristan TREMEAU, éditions IAC, Saint-Etienne, France 


Pour Franck Chalendard, Bernard Ceyssonin, Franck Chalendard Peinture 2004-2007,  éditions IAC, Saint-Etienne, France


Enfin, presque !, Hervé Audouard, Franck Chalendard. Sur le fil du Rasoir, édition Thoba's, Roanne, France

Et ainsi les saisons se déroulèrent pour entrer dans l'été comme le promeneur s'avance dans une herbe de plus en plus haute, Bernard Ceysson, Franck Chalendard. Sur le fil du Rasoir, édition Thoba's, Roanne, France

Avant-Propos, Eric de Chassey, Franck Chalendard. Sur le fil du Rasoir, édition Thoba's, Roanne, France

Au risque du tableau, Philippe Cyroulnik, Franck Chalendard. Sur le fil du Rasoir, édition Thoba's, Roanne, France 


Enfin Presque !, Hervé Audouard, Plaquette G.A.C., Annonay, France

Exhibition catalogues


Texte de Philippe Cyroulnik, catalogue de l'exposition Échappée, Galerie l'Agart, Amilly, France


Texte de Bernard Ceysson, pour l'exposition La Ligne passée. L'abstraction au défi de ses réalités, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg


Plans sur la comète, Bernard Ceysson, catalogue pour l'exposition, October/November

Le pire n'est jamais certain, Sandrine Peyre, Chalendard et Clot, exposition Hôtel du département, Conseil Général de la Haute-Loire, France 


Le Chemin de Peinture, Michèle BRUN, Pierre PADOVANI et Gilbert PERLEIN, MAMAC, Nice, France


Franck Chalendard, Eric de Chassey, 20 ans d'exposition 1986-2006, Galerie du Haut Pavé, Paris, France 


Préface, Benoit Decron, Jacques Py, Claire Tanguy, catalogue "La peau du chat. Carlota Charmet et les collectionneurs", éditions Somogy, Paris, France

Carlota Charmet une femme engagée au service de l'art et des artistes, Emilie Bernard, catalogue "La peau du chat. Carlota Charmet et les collectionneurs", éditions Somogy, Paris, France

Franck Chalendard, Patrick Roussel, catalogue "La peau du chat. Carlota Charmet et les collectionneurs", éditions Somogy, Paris, France


Notes, Franck Chalendard, catalogue "La borne", Orléans, France

Philippe Cyroulnik, catalogue "Aux couleurs du Printemps", Assemblée Nationale, France

Bricoles, Franck Lamy, Peinture, démarches actuelles 1, édition Villa du Parc, Annemasse, France

Jean-Louis Pradel, catalogue "Hommage à Olivier Debré", Assemblée Nationale, France


Ce qui fait sens, Eric Suchère, catalogue Musée d'art et d'histoire, Cholet, France 


"Identité composite", Yves Michaud, L'abstraction et ses territoires, Éditions le 19, Crac, Montbéliard, France


A une sérénité inquiète, Hervé Audouard, Chalendard-Gibert-Lacombe, éditions de la Borne, Le Puy-en-Velay, France 



"Des artistes internationaux pour des expose XXL", Nathalie Becker, Luxemburger Wort, September


Les jeux de constructions graphiques de Franck Chalendard, Le Progrès, October


Dessins, Franck Chalendard, Les cahiers intempestifs, n°9, November


Distance et Dépense, Eric de Chassey, Ninety, n°26, Paris, France

Franck Chalendard, Catherine Flohic, Ninety, n°26, Paris, France

Identité composite, Yves Michaud, L'abstraction et ses territoires, Éditions le 19, Crac, Montbéliard, France

Identité composite, Yves Michaud, in Connaissance des Arts n° 550, May

LE PETIT BULLETIN - L’exposition de Franck Chalendard « Furtives » - 2023
October 31, 2023
Voir le fichier
LH - Franck Chalendard - octobre 2023
LH -
September 15, 2023
Voir le fichier
STEMP MAGAZINE - Furtives, Franck Chalendard - sept/novembre 2023
September 15, 2023
Voir le fichier
LE PETIT BULLETIN - Franck Chalendard - Furtives - Niko Rodamel - 6 sept au 3 oct 2023
September 06, 2023
Voir le fichier
December 16, 2020
Voir le fichier
March 18, 2020
Voir le fichier
March 17, 2020
Voir le fichier
LUXEMBOURG WORT - Un art voué à l'essentiel - 2020
March 16, 2020
Voir le fichier
March 11, 2020
Voir le fichier
LA GAZETTE DROUOT - Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière Guerre(s)- 2020
January 24, 2020
Voir le fichier
L'ESSOR LOIRE - Franck Chalendard en hibernation - Daniel Brignon - 2018
L'ESSOR LOIRE - Daniel Brignon
January 27, 2018
Voir le fichier
LE JEUDI - Le toujours présent - 2017
LE JEUDI - Marie-Anne Lorge
October 05, 2017
Voir le fichier
International artists for exhibitions XXL
LUXEMBOURG WORT - Nathalie Becker
September 14, 2016
Voir le fichier
Franck Chalendard - Contrails, Paris
Franck Chalendard - Contrails, Paris
September 17, 2016
The lines of life are various...
The lines of life are various...
November 03, 2016